cat toys that cats actually use

cat toys that cats actually use


Cats love to play. But many of the toys on the market are made to look pretty, not to actually be used. They aren’t even that fun for most cats. To find out which ones are actually used by cats, we asked our readers: “Which cat toys do your cats use?” The top 5 answers are listed below!

1. Catnip

Catnip is a perennial herb that is a member of the mint family. It is native to Europe and Asia but has spread throughout the world.

The plant grows up to 2 feet high and has oval-shaped leaves that are coarsely toothed. The plant produces small white flowers in clusters at the top of its stems in the summertime; these turn into small brown berries. The leaves contain a chemical called nepetalactone which causes an effect on cats when they smell it or chew on it – they become playful! This reaction can be observed anytime from 15 minutes up to two hours after ingestion or inhalation by your cat, depending on how much was consumed and whether your cat has had any exposure before (they may need more time for full effects).

2. Feathers

Feathers are a cat’s natural hunting instinct. Cats love to chase, catch and kill their prey, but they also need to play with their prey once it is caught. This means feathers can be used in two ways: playing with the feather itself, or pretending there’s a bird trapped inside the feather.

Feathers are light and soft so your cat won’t hurt itself when batting at them. Also, because they’re so lightweight it doesn’t take much effort from your cat to move them around or swat them across the room! Feathers are also inexpensive so you don’t have to spend a lot of money on toys for your feline friend just yet.

Feathers are also one of those rare types of toys that work well with multiple cats at once; if one cat has caught its own feather then another cat can come over and pretend there’s an entire bird trapped inside it!

3. Wire wand toys

Wire wand toys are great for cats to chase and pounce on. Wire wands come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so you can find one that’s right for your cat’s needs. For example, if you have a kitten who might be tempted to chew on the toy, try getting something with soft fabric around it like a ball that has holes in it or an electronic toy that has flashing lights. Cats love these types of toys because they’re interactive and give them something to do other than just sitting around bored all day!

If your cat likes playing with these kinds of toys then consider buying one today! They’re easy enough to find at any pet store or even online (just look up “wire wand” on Google).

4. Shopping bags/Cardboard boxes

  • Shopping bags/Cardboard boxes

It’s no secret that cats love cardboard boxes and other similar toys, but did you know they also love shopping bags? Cats who don’t have any toys to play with might turn their attention to the bag you just brought home from the grocery store. If your cat has had some time to get familiar with her new surroundings, try putting a few treats into the bag and see what happens! This can be an excellent way for your cat to start learning how to hunt for food without having been given anything specifically as a reward or treat beforehand. It’ll also help her get used to seeing different types of prey while they’re still alive (like mice) before she starts hunting them in earnest later on down at least one life-changing path: hers…

5. PVC pipe

PVC pipe is a great toy for cats because it allows them to play with and explore their environment. If your cat has a favorite spot in the house that’s close to where you do most of your work, consider placing a short length of PVC pipe there so that your cat can crawl inside and hide from view. This will keep him from getting underfoot while still allowing him access to his “safe space” when he needs it.

PVC pipe is also ideal for playing games with your cat. You can slide it across the floor, roll it around on its end, or stack multiple lengths together and let him jump between them (as long as they’re secure). The material is non-toxic and sturdy enough not to collapse if kittens get too rowdy with their ball scratching or biting—so long as they don’t use their paws instead of the entire body when playing with this toy!

Cats like catnip, feathers, wire wands, boxes, and PVC pipe

There are a lot of cat toys out there. But do you know what cats actually use?

  • This is a perennial favorite for many cats, and it’s easy to understand why: it’s an herb that releases potent oils when chewed or rubbed against fur, creating an irresistible scent that stimulates your pet’s brain and causes them to feel euphoric. They may also become more playful after being exposed to catnip, which can be good for exercise.
  • Even if your kitty isn’t into chasing after birds or batting at flying insects (thank goodness!), he might still enjoy having feathers around as something fun to play with once in a while especially if they come from his own prey! Just remember not

to leave feathers where they could be swallowed whole by curious kitties who don’t know any better than to chew on any kind of feathery object within reach (like yours).


There’s no doubt that cats love to play. But the question is, which toys do they really like? In this article, we have listed the five best cat toys which are sure to make your furry friend happier than ever before!

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