Cat Toys from Toilet Paper Rolls

Cat Toys from Toilet Paper Rolls: Engaging DIY Options for Your Feline Friend

Cats are naturally curious and playful creatures that need mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy. One cost-effective way to entertain your feline friend is by creating engaging toys from everyday items. In this article, we will explore the creative world of DIY cat toys made from toilet paper rolls. Not only are these toys easy to make, but they also provide hours of entertainment for your beloved pet. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of DIY cat toys!

Cat Toys from Toilet Paper Rolls

DIY cat toys offer several advantages over store-bought options. Firstly, they allow you to customize the toys according to your cat’s preferences and play style. By creating toys from toilet paper rolls, you can incorporate scents or textures that your cat finds particularly appealing. Additionally, crafting toys for your cat can be a fun bonding activity that stimulates their mental and physical abilities.

Materials Required

To get started, gather the following materials:

  • Toilet paper rolls
  • Scissors
  • Non-toxic glue
  • Cat-safe decorative items (feathers, ribbons, bells, etc.)
  • Catnip (optional)
  • Treats (for treat dispenser toy)
  • Felt or fabric remnants (optional)

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Toilet Paper Roll Cat Toys

 Toy 1: Treat Dispenser

Step 1: Flatten a toilet paper roll and make two vertical cuts, creating three equal sections. Step 2: Fold one end of the roll to create a pocket, ensuring treats can easily fit inside. Step 3: Secure the folds with non-toxic glue or by stapling them. Step 4: Fill the pocket with treats and fold the other end to close it. Step 5: Decorate the dispenser with cat-safe decorative items.

Cat Toys from Toilet Paper Rolls

 Toy 2: Interactive Puzzle Feeder

Step 1: Take two toilet paper rolls and cut several small holes around the sides. Step 2: Glue the rolls together to form a long tube with holes. Step 3: Fill the tube with dry cat food or treats. Step 4: Let your cat roll and bat the toy to release the treats through the holes. Step 5: Monitor your cat during play to ensure they don’t ingest any small parts.

 Toy 3: Peek-a-Boo Box

Step 1: Cut several holes of varying sizes on all sides of a toilet paper roll. Step 2: Place a small toy or treat inside the roll. Step 3: Encourage your cat to reach inside the roll to retrieve the hidden surprise. Step 4: Supervise playtime to prevent accidental ingestion of small parts.

Toy 4: Feather Teaser

Step 1: Cut slits around one end of a toilet paper roll. Step 2: Insert a feather into each slit and secure it with glue. Step 3: Wave the toy in front of your cat to entice them to play.

Toy 5: Hide and Seek Tube

Step 1: Cut small holes in a toilet paper roll and flatten it. Step 2: Place treats or small toys inside the roll. Step 3: Fold and crimp the ends of the roll to create a sealed tube. Step 4: Allow your cat to bat and manipulate the tube to discover the hidden treasures.

Safety Considerations

While creating DIY cat toys, it’s important to prioritize safety. Avoid using small parts that can be easily chewed or swallowed by your cat. Monitor play sessions to prevent any accidental ingestion or injury. If your cat shows disinterest or exhibits destructive behavior towards the toy, discontinue use immediately.

Alternative Materials for DIY Cat Toys

Apart from toilet paper rolls, other household items can be repurposed into engaging cat toys. Some alternatives include cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, and old fabric scraps. These materials offer various textures and shapes that cats find intriguing, promoting interactive playtime.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Regularly inspect and clean your DIY cat toys to ensure they remain safe and hygienic for your feline companion. Replace any damaged or worn-out toys promptly. Clean toys made from toilet paper rolls by wiping them with a damp cloth or using pet-safe disinfectant wipes.

Creating cat toys from toilet paper rolls is an enjoyable and cost-effective way to keep your feline friend entertained. DIY toys offer numerous benefits, allowing you to personalize the toys to suit your cat’s preferences. Remember to prioritize safety and monitor play sessions to ensure a fun and safe experience for your beloved pet. With these engaging DIY options, you can provide endless hours of entertainment and mental stimulation for your furry companion.

Additional Tips for Maximizing Cat Toy Fun

To enhance your cat’s experience with the DIY toys made from toilet paper rolls, consider the following tips:

Rotate the Toys: Cats can become easily bored with repetitive toys. Keep their interest piqued by rotating the toys on a regular basis. Introduce new toilet paper roll toys while temporarily storing the older ones. This way, your cat will always have something new and exciting to explore.

Incorporate Catnip: Many cats are attracted to the scent of catnip. Sprinkle a small amount of dried catnip inside the toilet paper rolls or on the toys to make them even more enticing. This can increase your cat’s engagement and enthusiasm during playtime.

Interactive Playtime: While the DIY toys are designed to entertain your cat independently, interactive playtime is crucial for bonding and mental stimulation. Engage your cat in play by waving the toys, mimicking prey movements, and encouraging them to chase and pounce. This interactive playtime will deepen your bond and provide essential exercise for your cat.

Observe Your Cat’s Preferences: Each cat has its own unique preferences and play style. Observe how your cat interacts with the different toilet paper roll toys and identify their favorites. This will help you tailor future toys or variations to their specific liking, maximizing their enjoyment.

DIY cat toys made from toilet paper rolls offer an affordable and creative way to engage and entertain your feline friend. By following the step-by-step guide and incorporating safety considerations, you can create a variety of stimulating toys for your cat’s enjoyment. Remember to prioritize your cat’s safety and monitor play sessions. With these DIY toys, you’ll provide your cat with endless fun, mental stimulation, and a stronger bond between you and your beloved pet. Enjoy crafting and watching your cat explore their new toys!

Exploring Advanced Toilet Paper Roll Cat Toys

Once you and your cat have mastered the basic DIY toys made from toilet paper rolls, you can explore more advanced options to further challenge and engage your feline friend. Here are a few ideas to take your DIY cat toy game to the next level:

Treat Dispenser Puzzle Tower: Create a tower using multiple toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes. Cut holes in the boxes and connect them using the rolls. Place treats inside the rolls and boxes at different levels. Your cat will enjoy the challenge of retrieving the treats by navigating through the tower.

Interactive Track Toy: Cut long strips of cardboard and attach them to create a track system. Insert toilet paper rolls at various points along the track to act as obstacles or hiding spots for treats. Your cat can bat the rolls along the track, chasing after the hidden surprises.

Hanging Toilet Paper Roll Mobile: String together several toilet paper rolls using sturdy string or twine, creating a mobile-like structure. Hang it from a ceiling or doorframe at a height that allows your cat to jump and play with the swinging rolls. Attach feathers or small toys to some of the rolls to add extra excitement.

Sisal-Wrapped Scratching Post: Cover a toilet paper roll with sisal rope, securing it with non-toxic glue. Attach several wrapped rolls to a sturdy base, creating a mini scratching post. This provides an outlet for your cat’s natural scratching instincts while incorporating the familiar texture of the toilet paper roll.

Sharing Your DIY Creations

Once you have crafted an array of entertaining toilet paper roll toys for your cat, consider sharing your creations with other cat owners. Take pictures or record videos of your cat enjoying the toys, and post them on social media platforms or pet-centric communities. This not only showcases your creativity but also inspires and encourages others to engage in DIY cat toy projects. Remember to include safety tips and instructions when sharing your DIY toys, promoting responsible and safe play for other cat owners.


Crafting cat toys from toilet paper rolls opens up a world of creativity and enjoyment for both you and your feline companion. As you delve into more advanced toy designs, the possibilities for engaging your cat’s senses and instincts are endless. Through experimentation, observation, and sharing your creations, you can contribute to the vibrant community of DIY cat toy enthusiasts while ensuring your cat stays entertained and stimulated. Have fun exploring and creating unforgettable moments with your furry friend!

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