best cat toys for active cats

best cat toys for active cats

Cats are hunters, and they love to play. But sometimes it’s hard to get your cat off the couch and into some real action. That’s why I’ve put together this list of cat toys for active cats. These toys will help you get your fur baby in the mood for hunting even when there aren’t any mice around!

Ball track toys

If your cat is a hunter and loves to play with balls, then a ball track toy is the perfect option for you. These types of toys will keep your cat busy for hours as they chase the ball around the track.

The best part about these types of toys is that if you have multiple cats in your home, it’s possible to set up more than one track so they can all play together at once! You can also buy additional tracks separately so that you don’t need to spend as much money on each one.

They do come with their drawbacks though: they are often expensive and some cats get bored easily with them after a while

Feather toys

Feather toys are great for cats that like to play fetch, bat around a toy, or jump and pounce on their prey. These toys can help your pet hone his hunting skills, providing them with a sense of security as they practice their catch-and-release game. If your furry friend is feeling especially aggressive, you may want to try a feather toy that has multiple feathers attached together so that your cat can get the full experience of catching something alive!

Wands and strings

Wands and strings are great toys for active cats. They can be used to play with your cat, or you can use them to get your cat to chase you. You can also use wands for interactive play with your cats, like fetching and hide-and-seek. Your cat will love the sensation of stalking and catching prey!

Laser pointers

You’ve probably seen laser pointers for cats. These are fun for your cat to chase, but they can get bored with them quickly. If you want to keep your cat interested in the toy, you’ll need to change it up every so often.

You can play with your cat using a laser pointer. Simply put a few treats into paper bags and then point the laser at them from across the room (make sure that no part of the beam is touching any part of the bag). Your cat will try catching the light by moving its body around until it is able to reach one of those treats! It’s important not to use any objects that break easily or have sharp edges because these could hurt your kitty if he bites down on them while trying his luck at getting some grub outta there!

Cats are hunters, so you want to get them into a hunting mindset.

Your cat is a natural hunter, so you want to get them into a hunting mindset.

  • Cats love chasing things. Get your cat a laser pointer so they can chase it around the house. This will encourage their hunting instincts and keep them active.
  • Cats love pouncing on things (and people). Get them an interactive toy like the Petstages Cat Kicker Interactive Cat Toy that they can pounce on without hurting anyone or themselves! It also has grippy sides so it won’t slide away when your cats are playing with it. You might also consider buying some catnip mice for added fun!
  • Cats give toys a good batting around from time to time especially ones made out of fabric or plush material that crinkle when batted around by tiny paws! Try out Rolly Polly Original Ringing Plush Mice for hours of entertainment for both you and your kitty

. If your cat is a hunter and loves to play with balls, then a ball track toy is the perfect option for you. These types of toys will keep your cat busy for hours as they chase the ball around the track. The best part about these types of toys is that if you have multiple cats in your home, it’s possible to set up more than one track so they can all play together at once and are great for playing with your cat. You can use them to play fetch, tug-of-war, and hide-and-seek. Wands are also great for interactive play with your cat If you’re looking for a toy that will keep your cat entertained for hours, try an interactive or puzzle toy. These toys can be activated with a simple motion from your kitty, such as pushing a button or pulling on a string. The more complicated these toys are, the longer they will last and provide entertainment for your feline friend you can also use the laser pointer to play hide-and-seek with your cat. Just point it at objects around the room and make sure that your kitty has no idea where you’re pointing it. You can also try moving around while doing this so you don’t get bored of staying in one spot. Cats love hiding. Get them a cat cave like the PetFusion Jumbo Cat Cave so they have a place to hide when they want to get away from it all.


When choosing toys for your kitten, it’s important to keep in mind that she is still a baby. Some toys are dangerous for them because of their sharp edges or small parts that can be swallowed by accident. Also, keep in mind that some toys like string are very similar to prey so they won’t work as well with kittens who are still learning how to hunt.

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